Christmas with Faith Fellowship Church

CHRISTMAS Christmas is the time of year Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth. But who is Jesus and why did He come to earth as a baby? When God created man, man was a perfect being in complete fellowship with God our Creator. Adam and Eve, the first humans, fell out of fellowship with God when they sinned in disobedience against Him. Since then, humanity has been against God, but God planned to save us by becoming a man—a man who died on the cross to pay the price for our sin against Him. We, like Adam, all sin against God and deserve His eternal judgment. All will bear God’s punishment unless someone takes our place and bears it for us. That someone is Jesus Christ. He is the only perfect, sinless God-man who could pay the price God demands. He came in the flesh as a baby—Emmanuel, God with us. God’s Son paid our debt by dying on the cross in our place. As proof His death was sufficient to pay for our sins, He was resurrected and is now in heaven. As our Savior, He offers the forgiveness of our sins and eternal life to all who believe (trust) in […]